August 2023
Winning an Unfair Game with People Analytics
By Steve Lowisz
There are proven tools and approaches you can use right here, right now to reduce costs in recruiting and make hires that will actually stick around and succeed at your company. Read More.
Utilizing Social Media to Share Your Employer Brand Story
By Shaker
A well-defined social media strategy can be the driving force behind a company’s employer branding efforts, offering a window into its culture, values, and overall work environment. Read More.
Editor’s Note: Shaker is a sponsor for the upcoming HR Florida Conference in August. If you’re interested in learning more about how to leverage your employer brand to attract top talent, visit Shaker in the Expo Hall on Aug 28th & 29th, 2023 at booth #503.
What My Own Experience with Mental Wellness Has Taught Me
By Kim LaMontagne
Anxiety, depression, substance misuse, and suicidal ideation are on the rise in the Workplace, and leaders are in a unique position to stem the tide and reverse this trend. Read More.
Talent Trends: The Rise of Alternate Work Models in 2023
By Katie Garcia
With the advent of technological advancements and changing employee preferences, hybrid and remote work have emerged as one of the largest talent trends in recent times. Read More.
Strategies that Guide the Mentor Selection Process
By Debi Ayliffe
A mentoring relationship can play an important role in guiding and supporting a person’s career journey. Selecting a suitable mentor is critical to ensuring that the relationship is beneficial and enhances a client’s professional and personal goals. Read More.
Can We Stop Shifting Rising Healthcare Costs to Employees?
By Kim Eckelbarger
For more than 10 years the inflation rate of healthcare costs has outpaced annual raises. We can’t keep shifting these costs to employees and eating up their raises. Financial conditions for our employees are getting worse every year because of healthcare. It is the number one cause of bankruptcy. It needs to stop, and HR can help. Read More.
Villyge Supports the “Whole Person”

Traditional performance management has long focused on metrics, overlooking the human aspect of employees. But by neglecting to recognize employees’ individual needs, experiences, and perspectives, companies unintentionally hinder their own growth and miss out on untapped potential. That’s where empathic leadership steps in. Read More.
Upcoming HR Florida Events
Interested in volunteering at this year’s conference? Go to #HRFL23 Volunteer Interest Form.
Moment of Inspiration
“Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It’s leadership.” — Ralph Marston
Provided by Teresa Vaughn, South Carolina State Council Director and former HR Florida Executive Committee Member
Find a Chapter Near You
HR Florida is a community of 28 professional chapters and a growing number of student chapters organized into 10 districts. Each month we bring you information from around the state so you can stay informed on upcoming meetings and conferences. Chapters work hard to provide timely, exceptional educational programs, often for recertification credits, and welcome you to attend as a member or as a guest! If you are not a member of a local chapter, visit 2023 Chapters & Chapter Presidents – HR Florida State Council to find a Chapter near you.
What’s Happening in Your Local Area?
Check out the Chapter Community Calendar on our website!
If you are an affiliated chapter within the state of Florida and wish to post an event, please email Kathy Scott at [email protected].
Community Spotlight
By Scott Bowers, MA, SHRM-SCP, District 4 Director
District #4 is geographically a wide territory that combines the beautiful Nature Coast’s Human Resources Society’s Counties of Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus where manatees and mermaids frolic in clear springs and with many crossing waterways that promote Tampa Bay and black water canoeing, kayaking, and wake boarding. Read More.
HR Florida Council Leadership Area Spotlight
By Eve Sweeting, MBA, SHRM-CP, PHR, Membership Director
Are you a member of your local chapter? I asked ChatGPT why Florida HR professionals should join their local SHRM-affiliated chapters, and it came up with 4 great reasons! Read More.
Earn Your SHRM Certification
HR Florida recognizes the importance of Human Resources professionals obtaining their SHRM certification. Obtaining a certification can be a valuable step for HR professionals to advance their career and demonstrate their mastery of the field. If you have been thinking about obtaining your certification, please visit HR Certification – HR Florida State Council.
Conference Survey Results
By Shellie Halstead, Ed.D, SHRM-SCP, PMP, Analytics and Innovation Director
At the 2023 HR Florida Conference we will have 4 sessions with the specific goal of presenting academic research in a way that is both meaningful to and useable by the practitioner. Read More.
The Women in Leadership Institute™
WIL is a four-day learning conference that equips women leaders with actionable strategies to overcome the hurdles women often face in the workplace. This isn’t your typical women’s conference. This immersive leadership development experience drives results and accelerates the advancement of women. Register Here! and use promo code WIL23-FL to designate you heard about the conference from HR Florida State Council.
Upcoming SHRM National Events
10/30 – 11/1, 2023 | Inclusion 2023 | Virtual & Savannah, GA |
11/13 – 11/16, 2023 | 2023 Women in Leadership Institute | Linkage, Inc. ( | Virtual & Orlando, FL |
Fellow HR Professionals: Did you know sponsored content is 22 more times more engaging than display ads? Contact us today to learn how to get started.
HR Florida Review Magazine
Share your expertise as an HR professional with over 16,000 other HR professionals! Encourage colleagues to submit articles too. We are currently looking for content on topics ranging from Employee Relations, State & Federal Compliance, Inclusion & Diversity, Leadership, Organizational Development, & any other Best Practice Advice for HR Professionals.
Submit an article for our next issue!
HR Florida Newswire
Purpose: Share upcoming events, announcements, and recent news relevant to HR professionals and Chapter members.
Style: Brief, direct, summarized information (pictures appreciated).

Submission deadline: The 3rd Wednesday of each month, for the following month’s newswire.
Format: Send submissions in Word format to Alan Bernstein at [email protected].
Mouth of the South Blog
Share your interesting stories/tips from the HR Profession.
Submissions: ONGOING
We hope you enjoy our selections of original content, local and national updates, and news you can use. Please let us know what you think! Send to [email protected]. All comments are welcome and encouraged!