FEBRUARY 9, 2022 – FEBRUARY 10, 2022
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Join us for the 11th Annual Florida State Legislative Conference held at HOTEL DUVAL, 415 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301. This event provides you with a unique opportunity to visit our State’s Capitol where you will learn about pending legislation and its impact on employment. Also, the importance of advocacy and tips on how to be an advocate will be featured prominently on the agenda.
During the conference, you will also have an opportunity to use those advocacy skills while meeting with your District Representative or State Senator. Please watch for information on scheduling appointments with your legislator(s) and details on the agenda.
This is a free conference for Florida Human Resource Professionals. Attendees are responsible for booking and payment of their lodging accommodations. Please use the following link to register for this exciting conference! The room block closes on
January 18, 2022.
Link: https://www.hrflorida.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1538642