HR Florida


Florida State Council Affiliate of SHRM

District 9 Spotlight

By Carol Lang, District 9 Director

2022 is a year for new beginnings, and the three chapters that make up District 9 are well on their way to charting fresh pathways to success in achieving their missions and elevating the human resources profession in their respective communities.

The past two years have been challenging for everyone, both personally and professionally.  Keeping chapter members engaged in a virtual world is tough, but each of the three chapters that make up District 9 adapted in their own way. 

The Staffing Management Association of South Florida, based in Broward County, is a special interest SHRM chapter.  Their focus is on recruitment, staffing and retention.  Two innovative programs begun several years ago were already being conducted virtually.  SMA Speaks HR is a monthly podcast hosted by Noya Hastings-Richie, SMA’s President Elect.  Noya discusses hot topics and trends in HR with various guests.  Past topics include “The Need for Employees to Complain” and “Diversity in the Workplace.”  The other program, “Books and Brew,” is a virtual book club.  The chapter is hard at work reinstating both programs for 2022.

HR Martin County faced many challenges during the pandemic, but new (and former!) President, Jan Foselli, has taken the reins and begun to set the chapter back on track.  A networking event held in March attracted more than 30 members and local businesspeople, and many are stepping up to serve on the chapter’s board and committees.  Monthly programs are being planned, and HR Martin will once again be awarding scholarships to local high school students interested in the human resources profession.

HR Palm Beach County went back to “live” in April 2021, and held many successful, in person, events last year.  The chapter is now busy planning their annual conference scheduled to take place May 25 and 26.  This year’s theme is “HR Stronger.”  SHRM’s own President & CEO, Johnny C. Taylor Jr., will be the keynote speaker kicking off this event.