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10 Best Practices for Leaders to Influence their Organization’s Culture

By Doug Van Dyke, CEO of Leadership Simplified,

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
– Peter Drucker

This well-known quote by Peter Drucker (the quintessential management guru of the 20th Century) emphasizes that no matter how well thought out an organization’s strategy might be, the execution thereof can only succeed if supported by their culture. In other words, a strong and positive culture is imperative to an organization achieving its strategic objectives.

My definition of leadership is, “Leaders Impact Culture.” This makes sense since leaders play such a critical role in shaping and influencing the culture of a company. Their decisions, interactions and behaviors set the tone for the entire organization. It is critically important that leaders have their organization’s culture and their ability to influence it in the forefront of their minds. With this stated, I share 10 best practices for leaders to leverage as they shape and reinforce their organization’s culture.

1. Setting a Vision and Values.

Leaders define and communicate the company’s vision and core values. This provides a clear sense of purpose and direction for team members. Consistently reinforcing and upholding these values in decision-making helps embed them into the organization’s culture.

2. Leading by Example.

The actions and behaviors of leaders serve as a model for team members. When leaders demonstrate the desired values of the organization such as integrity, collaboration, and innovation, team members are more likely to follow suit. Authenticity and transparency from leaders build trust, reinforce cultural norms, and help to make these qualities more pervasive throughout the organization.

3. Communication.

Open, honest, and frequent communication helps foster a culture of transparency and trust. Leaders should actively listen to employees, encourage feedback, and be responsive to concerns and suggestions. The elegant and efficient use of a variety of communication channels is of paramount importance.

4. Recognition and Rewards.

Recognizing and rewarding team member behavior that aligns with the desired organizational culture creates a winning atmosphere. Leaders who implement recognition programs that celebrate individual achievement and team successes help codify a healthy culture that is action-oriented.

5. Hiring and Onboarding.

Leaders also influence the culture through their recruitment, hiring and onboarding activities. Leaders who believe they are above these activities are missing a large opportunity to shape and perpetuate their organizations. Leaders should always be looking for talent. By hiring individuals whose values align with the organization’s, the overall team grows stronger. A thorough onboarding process helps to educate and immerse new hires into the organization’s culture. Effective onboarding also sends a message to new team members that they are valued and will be contributing to an already strong team.  

6. Training and Development.

Providing ongoing training and development opportunities aligned with the company’s values and culture encourages team members to grow in ways that support the organization’s goals. Executive coaching and leadership development programs ensure that future leaders are constantly learning and reinforcing cutting-edge practices. Coaching and developing team members also perpetuates the desired culture of the organization.

7. Empowering Employees.

Encouraging employee autonomy and empowerment can foster a culture of trust and innovation. Leaders who appropriately delegate authority and encourage decision-making at all levels build a more engaged and proactive workforce.

8. Creating a Positive Work Environment.

Leaders can influence the physical and emotional work environment, ensuring it is supportive, inclusive, and conducive to productivity. Policies and practices that promote work-life balance, mental health, and employee well-being contribute to a positive culture and reduce the incidence of burnout.

9. Addressing Issues Promptly.

Effective leaders possess a high sense of urgency. Leaders must address cultural misalignments, conflicts, and unethical behavior promptly and efficiently. Consistent enforcement of policies and standards helps maintain the integrity of the organization’s culture.

10. Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships.

Developing strong relationships with team members fosters a sense of community and belonging.  Leaders who are approachable and empathetic can better understand and influence the cultural dynamics within the organization.

Bottom Line: By actively engaging in these practices, leaders can shape and sustain a strong, positive organizational culture. Strong cultures support an organization’s mission and maximize goal achievement. This leads to world class results. And, as Daniel Goleman once put it: “The leader’s singular job is to deliver results!”

Until next time, be well.

Doug Van Dyke is an executive coach, leadership development expert, teambuilder, and strategic planner, who works with organizations dedicated to a strong culture. To learn more or have Doug speak at your event contact [email protected].

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